Chip | male | Dali/Chihuahua mix

Birthdate: 8/13/2002
Personality: Dalimatian
Generation: 2nd
Inbred?: No
Family: Ketchup (mate), Tiny (sister), Tofu (daughter)
Friends: Aspen (Amy @ Amyspetzplace)
Origin: breed by Emily @ Deviant Petz!

Chip is one of the first pups that I naturally raised, along with his sister Tiny. He's a very friendly and playful dog. His favorite activities are hanging out with his wife, Ketchup, and playing catch with his favorite frisbee!


Sleepy puppy Chip

Chip and Ketchup ❤

Chip wearing a green scarf for the 2019 Dukes Group Summer Olympics.

Chip auditioning for the Dukes Ground SumOly Frisbee Competition. He did a very good job and made a new freind, Aspen (Amy @ Amyspetzplace), along the way!