Tiny | female | mini Dali/Chihuahua mix

Birthdate: 8/19/2002
Personality: Chihuahua
Generation: 2nd
Inbred?: No
Family: Chip (brother)
Origin: breed by Emily @ Deviant Petz!

Tiny is serriously the best dog ever! She's the first dog I ever raised naturally and I loved every second of it! She's super cute and nice and smart! She's very sporty and is friends with almost everyone else in the Kennel! I couldn't ask for a better dog!


Baby tiny! she was the smallest, cutest dog I've ever seen!

Tiny and Chip, the two were practically inseparable as pups!

Chip and Tiny meeting Wilbur for the first time, what is this big, pink, furless dog doing in our yard? O_o

Most dogs prefer fancy toys with a billions bells and whistles, Tinys favorite toy is just a plain ol' stick from the yard.

Tiny wearing a bow for the 2019 Dukes Group Summer Olympics. It's green because we're in Team June and our team color is green!

Tiny in the soccer tryouts for the Summer Olympics! She actually quallified and we've been training for the competition!